In the midst of all the chaos in Washington D.C., Glenn took the time to share an incredible story that puts everything in perspective.
Wounded, bandaged and hooked up to tubes in an intensive care unit after an improvised explosive devices went off during a mission in Afghanistan to capture a high value target, U.S. Army Ranger and Purple Heart recipient, Josh Hargis, was thought to be unconscious, but when he heard his commander’s voice, he addressed him with the iconic symbol of respect: a salute.
“Hargis' commander just sent a letter to his wife along with a picture, and he said every newspaper and every television station should have this picture and tell this story, and it should be on the front page,” Glenn said. “That's why it is on our television, if you are watching TheBlaze TV right now, and why I'm telling you the story on radio and why it is on the front page of”
Image source: Taylor Hargis/Facebook
Before being transferred from Afghanistan to Germany where he would make his flight back to America, Hargis had a Purple Heart pinned on to his blanket in a ceremony, which included other Rangers, doctors and nurses at his bedside.
“During the presentation the [Ranger Regimental] Commander publishes the official orders verbally and leaned over Josh to thank him for his sacrifice. Josh, whom everybody in the room (over 50 people) assumed to be unconscious, began to move his right arm under the blanket in a diligent effort to salute the commander as is customary during these ceremonies,” the letter read. ”Despite his wounds, wrappings, tubes and pain, Josh fought the doctor who was trying to restrain his right arm and rendered the most beautiful salute any person in that room had ever seen.”
In this emotional moment, “grown men began to weep and we were speechless at a gesture that speak volumes about Josh’s courage and character,” the letter continued. “The picture, which we believe belongs on every news channel and every news paper is attached. I have it hanging above my desk now and will remember it as the single greatest event I have witnessed in my 10 years in the Army.”
“These guys have so much honor in them. The guys who are on the front lines have so much honor, so much decency,” Glenn said. “Is there anybody with some medal on their shoulders that sees what's going on [today] and looks at that picture and says, ‘That's what this is about. This is about honor and integrity and decency.’ And what we have going on now is not about honor. You can't just sit here. You can't just let this slip away. This is your country. You took a vow and an oath to defend it and its Constitution… What are we doing? We're disconnecting from reality and closing our eyes and hoping that it will all go away, but it won't.”